26 Apr 2024

Online workshop: Retirement planning for expats in Germany

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Join this free, online workshop on retirement planning for expats, delivered by the experts at the HORBACH Expats Team! 

Planning for the future

When you moved to Germany, how many times did you find yourself wishing you had someone to entrust with your financial questions? How often did you find yourself trying to make the right decisions, only to hit a wall? How many times did you realise you needed help because there was more to the system than you thought? Chances are, more than once. 

When Aziza Nuritdinova first moved to Germany and confronted the financial system, she realised she did not have the upper hand. So, she decided to become the person she needed, and became specialised in financial solutions for expats. 

In this one-hour webinar, you will get the chance to benefit from her expertise and learn how to plan to secure your future, using state benefits, while still enjoying your flexibility.